Sambal Shrimp Cookie is an intriguing fusion of sweet and savory. This cookie takes a daring spin on a classic, marrying the sumptuous flavors of buttery shortbread with the distinct tang and kick of Sambal shrimp. Each bite unveils a surprising burst of savory shrimp perfectly balanced with a gentle sweetness. Crumbling delightfully in your mouth, this cookie represents a culinary adventure, daringly pushing boundaries while retaining comforting familiar flavors. It's a true testament to the limitless versatility of baking.
Step into our store and experience the timeless allure of meticulously handcrafted delicacies. From beloved pineapple tarts, various types of cookies to decadent durian cream puffs and sumptuous cakes, each treat is a testament to our passion and expertise. Our seasoned master, with a legacy spanning back to 1977, pours decades of skill into every creation. Indulge in the taste of tradition and excellence, and savor the artistry of homemade goodness at our store.
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